This Word of the week post feels like it should be all Summer related, it's quite fitting. I hope this post finds you all well?
So, let's get started with the usual.
I now have 1,178 followers on my Twitter account. My blog has reached 3,784 visitors since I started.
My word of the week
Encumbrance: noun a thing that prevents someone from moving or acting freely.
This long awaited sunshine makes me feel good, my mental health just soars and finally the sandals are the must have fashion item, I'm ordering iced drinks again and shaving my legs is part of the morning torture once again.

Photo from Unsplash
Summer holidays
I don't know about you, but my aim of the August school holidays is to ensure I have a holiday booked, I will always book one week off during August from work, so I can spend it either away at the beach somewhere, have things booked for each day off with my daughter or, even just a few days stay at the seaside. My thought process is; 'if I haven't stepped foot on a beach, I haven't had a holiday'.
But my problem here is, booking that big week away somewhere, it just feels so draining to locate an idyllic place, one that caters to my specific requirements. Which are, a beach, entertainment for my daughter, local attractions and not be exorbitantly priced.
This year, I have left it so late. Nothing is booked or confirmed, I feel really lost and frustrated. I actually have the choice for the first year ever, to take my daughter on her first plane journey to another country. Now where to go? I've been thinking of Ireland just for a short flight, but do you think I can find any accommodation that is in my budget, nope. I give up. Does anyone else feel my pain?

Photo from Unsplash
Has anyone ever come across that man who is wearing socks and flip flops, shorts and a jumper that looks like his pyjama top? Or the lady wearing her bikini top on the school run? Why is it then, that we choose to either roll our eyes or whisper comments under our breath, just because they are actually comfortable to go out like that?
I know that I am actually jealous of those who can wear flowing summer dresses without a bra! Or hot pants and a bikini top in the Summer months, so why are people judging them? Is it actual disgust, or jealousy of their freedom to be themselves?
My point here is, a man can pop to his local shop wearing whatever they feel comfortable in and I've noticed, no one takes a blind bit of notice, yet the majority of us women take between 5 to 25 minutes finding something suitable to wear, matching everything and coordinating the footwear too, just so we won't be judged by others!
Grrrrrr!! Is it just me, or do you have a most favourite pair of sunglasses that go everywhere with you, all the time? Maybe you've owned them for years or never let anyone else put them on? I do! I 100% do and you never guess what? I only went and mislaid them, and then had a meltdown about it too.
Anyway, whilst I was telling my family about my favourite Ted Bakers, I discovered that my mum can't wear sunglasses while she is driving, this baffled me, surely that is the one time that wearing them is needed? For me, when the slightest bit of sunshine appears, my glasses are on, and definitely when i’m driving.
Ok, I have to share my good news… I found them! I legit thought I had lost them at the theatre but as if by magic, they just showed up at home. I'm so happy.
The benefits of wearing sunglasses is the protection from the UV rays, the blocking out of glare and of course reducing eye strain. They are a must fashion item during the brightest days if you ask me.

Favourite things
This will become a new part of my Word of the Weeks, where I can let you know what my favourite things are right now. Let's give it a go:
Watching - The Full Monty series on Disney
Drinking - Iced caramel latte
Wearing - Three quarters for work
Listening - bbq bangers playlist on spotify
Writing - a post about boob sweat !
Have a wonderful week my lovely supporters.
Love J x
Where do you buy your suncream from?
Do you have a special hiding place for your passport?
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This is an awesome post. The section on judgement is very relatable, I have felt that way many times. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Kristen, it has happened to too many of us and it is hardly talked about. Thank you so much for commenting
What a great word! I think I'm more encumbranced by others rather than myself. I plan ahead and am organised. But get frustrated that others aren't or don't keep up.
Yes! I am almost jealous of you. You go girl! A planner and organiser. Thank you for reading my post Katrina 😁