Today's post is a bit of a new genre for me. I usually write about my life experiences or simply advising on ways to help others, so writing about what is in my work bag came as somewhat of a struggle, it sounds easy but I found I was posing a very simple question of 'do we carry too much junk around with us and, do we actually need it?'
I'm very interested in your views on this subject, please leave comments.
My purse
Not anything special, just one day I saw it, it was a good price and bought it. Yes, it's pink, not like me at all but it's fit for purpose. Holds the usual cards, change and notes and is actually decorated in an attractively feminine way.

Lip balm
I am always needing this, cracked and dry lips are not only an annoyance but don't look great either. Healing them with a balm really helps and keeps them kissing ready.

Hand cream
I have a slight obsession when it comes to hand creams, I have plenty to choose from but this one is a particular favourite. This vanilla almond smelling one is a product made especially for the "The Range", they have stores all over the UK, it dries quickly and leaves no greasy residue behind, highly recommended.

Pain killers
I can't take ibuprofen so my go to is paracetamol. I take these for everything from headaches to period pain, I often have to swap out old packets a lot because I really try my hardest to get by without the aid of painkillers for almost everything.
I have asthma and I feel like carrying my inhaler with me at all times is some comfort and reassurance, I've had asthma attacks in my past and gasping for breath is not a pleasant experience.
About 7 years ago I was told I needed to wear glasses whilst in front of my computer screen at work, however just recently I had an eye test which confirmed my eyesight was perfect, go figure! So I have these in my work bag only, just in case I do get tired eyes.
Everyone who knows me will undoubtedly confirm I will always have tissue to hand. I suffer from hay-fever and am always sneezing and sometimes having tissue in my bag comes in handy more times than you would think.
Body spray & perfume
Because well, you just never know. I have meetings after work sometimes and it makes me feel more confident to just quickly spritz before heading in.
You would think this is a given really, surely everyone has one in their bag? Nope, wrong. I have lost count of the amount of times I get asked if I have a pen, I honestly feel like I am the only one. Unfortunately, I don't carry one with me for this particular reason. I am a driver, and should anything happen (fingers crossed it doesn't) I would need to write down some details. It's more of a reassurance than it is a necessity.
Cigarette Holder
This carry case was given to me by a colleague many years ago and yes, I know it's a bad habit but I carry my cigarettes in it every day.

I smoke and require one prior to getting back at my desk. Because what client wants to smell a foul smelling breath!

I have to be honest here, I never wear this. I can't even remember the last time I required it. This is probably the one item I look at in my bag and every single time say to myself 'why'?
I can not go anywhere without my trusty diary in tow. My diary keeps me going, if it's not in my diary it isn't happening. Times, places and people are all marked clearly along with birthdays and anniversaries.
I don't feel like I differ too much from a pretty standard bag content, but these are my essentials. So in answer to my above question, we do need it and it is always best to be prepared. Top Girl Guide tips must be instilled in me from my younger years I guess.
In today's society, is it still taboo for a man to have a handbag?
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I love all these items and I'm always on the lookout for handy things to have in my bag. I'm going to have to update what I have — thanks for sharing! Molly | transatlanticnotes.com
Thank you so much for reading Molly. Just the usual items I think
I have some of these in my bag too. And I also have a small bottle of sanitizer in my bag. Hehehe.
Ooo yes the sanitizer is a good one. I definitely used too when the covid was spiked.