I'm not one for talking about myself much, I am however, quite opinionated hence why I started my blog in the first place. So I will share 5 things with you that I don't share a lot:
Fall off the stage
It's true! When I was in year 6 at school I was part of the orchestra who would always put on performances for the rest of the school. This particular time as I followed the orchestra onto the stage to take our seats to play, my chair leg had not been placed correctly leaving one of its legs hanging off the stage. I did not see this, I took a seat and bam! I hit the concrete floor beside the stage so hard that I knocked myself out and cracked my front tooth at the same time. Remembering this was in front of the entire school and staff, needless to say I was the talk of the school for a couple of months. I recovered absolutely fine but I have a chipped tooth as a lasting memory. Please, tell me your embarrassing story to make me feel better.

I Smoke
I do, and it's the worst habit I have. I have smoked for about 9 years now, it started as a part time wind down in the evenings and progressed over time to now a full on 10 a day, I'm not proud of it and I know I should stop but it's my habit that I'm struggling to let go of.
I have two tattoos
My first ever tattoo was my little red devil, I didn't want anything too excessive but I also wanted for it to be cute. I have a very low pain threshold so I was determined not to be sitting in that chair for very long. This was drawn freehand by the tattooist and I think I remember being in a bit of a daze when he showed me the final drawing, I just nodded along. Do you have one that you wish was designed better?
With my second one it was such a spontaneous moment but one that I have never regretted. It's a pink bow with my daughter's name above. Me and my friend were on a girls trip away, one minute we were shopping in town and the next thing I know, we’re both sitting in the chairs getting tattooed.

For much of my life I have always been wary of escalators, if you think about it, they're actually quite scary, they look mean and they always make a noise that sounds like they'll break down any second. I think I have probably heard too many bad stories about them. One being things getting stuck in them, items of clothing or even shoe laces. But my fear is not of them persay, but being on them going travelling upwards. I haven't looked into it but I may slightly suffer from vertigo. I can't stand up straight when going up, I fear I will fall backwards. I have to literally bend down much to my family's embarrassment. However I have no problem going down the escalators, I can even do this without holding on, I just can't explain it. Do you or anyone you know have vertigo?

An abseil
I have done an abseil down from the top of a local fire station for charity. I was a lot younger back then and slimmer, I couldn't do it now. I also had a great bunch of people cheering me on waiting at the bottom. I have the abseil on video, which reminds me one day I must transfer it onto dvd at some point. I remember climbing all the stairs at the time wishing we would stop at every level, taking a peek over the edge from the top was quite daunting. There was no training for this either, it was straight up and only one way down. I raised £145 in sponsorship money at the time and it is one of my proudest moments
Just a few things all about me. I hope you enjoyed it and I would love to hear about some of your proudest moments too, please feel free to comment below.
J x
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Happy Anniversary Jeanette. I love your blog, now I know 5 more things about you!
Awww thank you so much! Xx
How high up were you when you did your abseil? I’ll bet that charity was grateful for your work and the money you raised. It sounds like it was fun.
The escalator thing is unique. I suppose anything could go wrong. There was a movie called “Mallrats” where a guy was yelling at a kid for sitting on the escalator. They can be nice, especially when you need to be somewhere and your tired. Just remember they can be your friends and they’re nice.
And you need to quit smoking. I smoked for 10 years. I felt a lot better when I quit. You will too
Hey, I'm not sure how high up but it's 6 stories high. I was so pleased I'd done it and still am.
I know I need to stop smoking, I'm not proud of it, I also know the damage has already been done too. I would need lots of support to get me through, it's a real bad habit. Congrats to you for doing it honestly hats to you.