Welcome to my new corner of the blog, called MALE MAIL.
The phrases, ‘He's ok’ and ‘he'll get over it’ are heard almost every day. But are they? Will he? The sad truth is probably not, as speaking out is seen as being weak.
To try and help dispel this myth, I will be writing posts that will be directed at my male readers. My motivation? Let me try to explain:
Thanks to a close friend of mine, pointing out that actually there are not enough blogs out there for males, specifically focusing on mental health. Don't get me wrong some do exist but how do we know about them, unless they are shared.
I have males in my life who, at some point, have experienced a darker world, have felt low and hit rock bottom. I have also witnessed them rise to be stronger. But help is critical and that's where you and I can step in.
So I want to join the fight to raise awareness and bring you ‘Male Mail’ with posts that are designed for males everywhere.
What can you expect?
I have quite a few ideas already floating around in my trusty notepad and I can not wait to write them up.
You can expect to read posts that will include links for self help, names and numbers that will be recommended from you, my readers.
There will be some fun posts on topics such as beer, cars and fashion.
Of course, if there are any of my readers who think their male partners, family members or friends would like to share any of their ideas, I'm completely ready to listen and always up for a challenge.

Photo from Unsplash
The Help
First site to talk about is Shout. There is a number to text and a crisis volunteer will reply. The volunteers have successfully completed training courses. Most of us can not find the words verbally sometimes, so texting might be your way to get that ball rolling. Or visit their site below:
The second is a site called The Men’s Group. Offering support such as articles, podcasts and some videos, they will tailor to your needs. You can join private group chats with guys who have been through something similar. Check out their site below:
Round off
After all, you just do not know what others are going through, and if only one person reading my new posts acts to help themselves out of the darkest hole, I'd be very happy indeed.
I put out a tweet recently asking for those who may run a mental health blog specifically for males, or could recommend one. Of all the 1,318 followers, and I thought with the full support of the blogging community, something would have been suggested, but absolutely no one came forward!
I am so disappointed about it, that it has spurred me on more than ever to get this out there!
Be kind everyone, you are not alone.
Love J x
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