Moving houses I think requires great organisational skills. Because it wont happen if you haven't rang the removal company to arrange a time and date, no one's clothes or possessions would be making it to the other side if you haven't packed them into boxes, and on the day itself, the kitchen boxes would end up in the bedroom or even in the garden if you aren't there to direct the helpers. The best organised bit you can do is to clearly label everything. From Bathroom to Lounge and even as small as the utility room.
Since leaving home back in 2003 I have moved houses 7 times. My recent one was in October 2020 and I am hoping this is the one that will stick. The day itself is frustrating and sometimes worrying too. You just want it all to happen as quickly and smoothly as possible. I often found myself thinking if I had a magic wand, the whole packing, moving and then unpacking bit would be done before I opened my eyes. Like everything would be in its right place, but just in the new house instead.
One piece of advice, way before your moving date, is to get packing. It doesn't matter how small or how much, just make a start. The two best places I usually start are the kids' bedrooms, which is also a great way to minimise the crap that has appeared over the years and to be able to throw stuff away. My second place is always the kitchen. Same as the kids' bedrooms, it's quite shocking how many unused gadgets have gathered dust on top of the cupboards over the years.

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The night before
Having discussions with some friends, we are all in agreement that the night before the big move is a rather odd one. A feeling of anxiousness but also allowing some quiet time to reflect. You are surrounded by boxes, laying on just the mattress in a room that now echos. You are not sure why you can't sleep, it's either because there are no curtains up at the windows and you realise just how bright that street lamp really is, or maybe because your brain is telling you you’ve forgotten something and you’re up all night trying to figure out what it is.
And then there's the early rise in the morning. No matter what the time it is you still look out that window, just in case the moving vans have arrived early. You also hope that as you can't find your hairbrush you won't bump into someone outside, and that your new neighbours will forgive you for one day because you are wearing your oldest top with ‘I love the 80s’ on it. And what do you eat for breakfast? Probably the rest of the biscuits that have been found in the back of the cupboard because you don't want to take them with you. If you are lucky, you’ve put aside one teabag and not packed that old mug just purely so you can start your day right with a cuppa. Uh oh, the sugar has been packed and the fridge got turned off last night, so your last mouthful of milk sitting in there is now warm and might have a strange smell to it.

Photo from Pexels
The Moving van
One of the exciting moments of the day is when that van pulls up. Finally you can start to fill it with your possessions and empty your house. But it isn't that simple, another worry might be that it's not all going to get in that rather small van. Now you’re thinking two trips will have to be done but you won't have time to do that. If there is something I have learnt from my moves, it is to completely put all your trust in a company who does moves for a living. And personally for a few of my moves it was my dad. He could fit everything into a van that slotted in place just like a jigsaw puzzle. Several times we have all been astounded as to how it all fit in.
I have had a couple of moving vans with the tail lift on the back. Is it just me or is playing on them so much fun? You have to go up and down on it at least once while it's in your possession. It's a Right to you on moving day. And does anyone else feel immense joy when sitting in the front of the van, with all your worldly goods loaded up behind you, looking down on the cars below, thinking ‘this is my special day, it's finally here?’
Personally my little favourite part of the process is the unpacking. A box may be labelled kitchen but is it the stuff from the drawers or the pan cupboard? nope it's the plastic jugs and flasks. I quite enjoy the mystery of what I will discover in the boxes. I know they are clearly labelled as rooms but they don't have a complete list on them informing me that my hair brush is in it or even the remote control for the tv.

Photo from Pexels
Excitement to come
There is nothing more exciting than new adventures. That first time you cook for friends checking out your new place or the satisfaction of standing back and admiring your painting skills in the room that used to look bare.
I hope you enjoyed this read, and if you are about to embark down this road, I wish you all the luck with your impending move.
On my moving days, there are certain items that I feel are only safe with me. This includes TVs, kettle and fragile items. What things do you only trust yourself to transport on moving day?
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Moving is very stressful. We not only have to deal with planning and guarantee that everything is taken care of, but we also have to deal with the psychological change of moving to a new place. These tips are a huge help to make the whole process easier to the mind and the body. Thanks for sharing!
Absolutely, it is alot of work, but hopefully worth it in the end, thank you for commenting
I both love and hate moving. I love it for the push to declutter and downsize the mountain of stuff I have. And, hate it for all of the work and money that can go into getting a new place. But, once there, I do enjoy the feeling of renewal and hope for the future. Great post. So much goes into moving, it's helpful to take it in bite sized chunks.
It's true, taking it all in small chunks can help massively. Also helpful for most things in life... I really should listen to my own advice haha x
I moved last month and for the most part we were pretty organized but we vastly overestimated our ability to move our stuff into the new apartment (we got it in the van no problem). The tips you've shared here are really useful! Molly | transatlanticnotes.com
Thanks Molly, and I wish you all the best in your new home too
You have some great tips here! We moved 4 1/2 hours away last December and, honestly, I had forgotten how much was involved. This was only compounded by the fact that it was so close to the holiday season.
Yes I can definitely sympathise, I've done it myself. On Christmas day surrounded by packed boxes because our move was delayed until the 6th January #eyerolls
I also loveee unpacking!I hate when the van comes because that usually means a good amount of physical work lol. We’ve moved about 3-4 times + alllll these points are great! Hoping THIS move is your best + permanent move 🤎
Thank you Lo, I do too. Physically I just couldn't do my last move and the help wasn't available either, having the company do everything for me was the best decision I had made, highly recommended
I haven’t moved for a while but I know it can be a huge task. I cannot wait to buy my place so that I can move into my own space. These are some important things to think about. I love being organised so I will use ALOT of lists ha ha! Thank you for sharing your experience.
Lauren - bournemouthgirl
Haha yes lists! Me and you share that common interest, moving has to be organised so I'm with you on that one.
Great bits of advice! When we last moved it was chaos! never want to move again - haha
Thank you, it's all down to organisation I think. It's a shame your move has put you off, and if you do move again I wish you luck x