My Two Year Blog-versary

Published on 19 April 2023 at 18:01


I think I write the same phrases every time I celebrate a big milestone with my blog 'wow I can't believe it' and 'it has come round so quickly'. Two whole years! That's 24 months and 121 posts, 1966 visitors to the site and over 110 comments left from supporters, what a surprising and overwhelming response ! My little blog is my outlet, a gateway to my inner thoughts and sometimes my personal diary but I never thought I would have gotten this far, primarily because I go through fads in my life, I start things and I rarely finish them, so my little blog is something I am incredibly proud of. 


So let's get on with the celebrations, grab a little glass of something fizzy, let's clunk together…..happy blog-versary to me.


Photo from Unsplash


The past 12 months


So what have I been up to on the blog? Here are some of my favourite posts in the last year:



One of my goals I set myself in last year's Blog-versary post was to go self hosted with my site. Unfortunately this has not happened yet, it has been a scary move to face for me and when you're happy with what you have why break it? Personally for me too, I don't like change. They say it's good for you but I haven't been in the right headspace to learn a whole new system over again. Alas, let's set this goal again and hope I can deliver.



Things to look forward too


I successfully completed my second paid advertising with a fellow blogger in February and I am planning another soon. This way really does boost my views, it's great to get my little blog out there into the social media world. 


I have quite a few ideas for upcoming posts on my local town and surrounding areas, I am super excited to share these. 


And one more plan in the works is to share a photo shoot post of me. These photos have been taken over a period of time at several locations, I see others doing it and I thought I never share 'me' in person, so why not give it a go. I'm still collating pictures and I'm just waiting for a good time for it to be released, I'm actually quite anxious about it. But nevertheless it shall be shared soon.


Photo from Unsplash


Paying my tribute


Sadly, we have had to say goodbye to some celebrities who have passed away in the last 12 months. There have been some shockers and big names too, who have left behind a treasure of memories for us: 


Angela Lansbury

Olivia Newton john

Robbie Coltrane 

Meat loaf

Taylor Hawkins

Kirstie Alley

Tom Parker

Lester Piggott

Paul O'Grady





Jokes about a blogger 


'I once got a job blogging for this French recipe site. I had to quit, because it gave me the crepes.' 


As a blogger, I constantly feel cold, probably because I’m surrounded by so many drafts.


What’s it like to be an aspiring writer? It’s difficult to put into words. 




I would like to extend my personal thanks to my readers who have stuck beside my blog for two years, you know who you are. My readers have given me purpose to keep going.  A thank you to all of my supporters and to those who comment on my posts, keeping a smile upon my face.


Here's to another year x


Have you celebrated a significant birthday, anniversary or blogging goal this year so far? Why not tell us about it below.

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2 years ago

There's a lot to celebrate here. Enjoy it all and congratulations on your 2 year anniversary.

2 years ago

Thank you so much, it's definitely a milestone

Fadima Mooneira
2 years ago

Happy Two Years Blogversary, babe. Wish you a bigger success in the future. Keep up the good work.

2 years ago

Very kind words, thank you

2 years ago

Congratulations on 2 years! Be sure to go our and celebrate! (Or stay in and celebrate).

2 years ago

I have to admit I did hold up a small glass of wine to myself on the day 😁

2 years ago

Congratulations on your two-year blogging anniversary! That's an amazing achievement! x

Lucy |

2 years ago

That's kind of you, thank you x

Sal Gaze
2 years ago


2 years ago

Thanks so much mate, means alot x

2 years ago

Congrats on two years! I had a little laugh at the jokes haha. I'm approaching 11 years!

2 years ago

I will be thinking of you if I reach 11 years too, congrats to you also, thank you